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Sunday Worship

Apr 28, 2024    Pastor Dan Sinkhorn

Welcome to our domain of biblical parenting, where we actively explore how families can serve God with purpose and raise spiritually resilient children. As part of the Shiloh family, our mission extends beyond parents to extended families and church community members and seeks to provide support and wisdom for those navigating the complex journey of child-rearing. Our main focus is the practical application of core biblical narratives in shaping a family’s spiritual framework.

In this episode, we expand on Apostle Paul's advice to Titus, opining on discerning sound doctrine for effective parenting. By citing biblical teachings, we stress the need for parents to showcase substantial character traits and virtuous actions, planting seeds of well-established morals in their children. This consequently fosters an environment of growth and maturity that is rooted in Christ’s love.

The discussion advances to consider the crucial role of parents in modeling integrity — the dilemma of ‘practice what you preach’. By acknowledging and addressing the complexities of parenting, we strive to showcase the impact of this concept on the development of a child.

This episode also ventures into the critical role the church community and elders play in providing godly models for young parents. The ensuing narrative finally circles back to reveal how Paul's teachings and our pursuit to imitate Christ can direct our path as parents.

In essence, this episode scrutinizes the imperative need for aligning our heart, mind, and soul for substantial parenting. We emphasize how parental figures set a precedent for children’s view of life, guiding children to either mirror or reject these practices.

Finally, the episode concludes with an enthusiastic appeal to parents to persist in their journey of divine-led parenting, despite its challenges, and to rejoice in the ultimate rewards of character development and spiritual growth in their children.