Sunday Worship: The Cardboard Jesus or the Living Lord?

Apr 7, 2024

This Sunday, April 7th, we're celebrating the reality of the risen Lord! Some might have thought they heard "Cardboard Jesus" in a recent sermon, and funny as that is, it raises a serious point: Do we settle for a flat, one-dimensional idea of Jesus, or do we embrace the risen Christ who lives, reigns, and will return?

This Sunday, we'll dive into 1 Corinthians 15 to explore the life-changing truth behind the resurrection of Jesus:

The Undeniable Reality: Did it really happen? Evidence points to an empty tomb, multiple appearances of the risen Christ, and the explosive growth of Christianity, all centered on the risen Jesus.

The Implications: If this is true (and we believe it is!), then Jesus' resurrection demonstrates God's power over death, reveals Jesus as the true Son of God, and brings hope and freedom through the same power that raised Jesus.

The Choice: We can choose a cardboard Jesus, or the living Lord! We can dismiss the Resurrection or let its power change our lives from the inside out.

Join us this Sunday at 10 a.m. for worship. Let's embrace the living Jesus, the one who offers us true freedom and transformation!